- JacooSun Rous
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- JacooSun Rous
- JacooSun Rous
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- JacooSun Rous
About JacooSun
Sun Dongxu
80's young artist, human shape object creator, graduated from the Mural Painting Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 2008, living in Chengdu, China now.
The doll is famous by its vivid and delicate appearance, after three years of modification of the Elfishbabydoll, which was made in 2011, for now renamed (Jacoo Sun Doll). In 2008, she transformed the little girl in oil paintings and works on papers into a boll jointed movable doll "JSD elf doll". In 2011, her new Elf Doll, Jacoo Sun Doll is born. In 6 years, she has created nearly 40 elf doll, which have been loved and sought really much by collectors. In 2015, Sun Dongxu was invited by Zhou Xun to attend the "One Night 敢爱敢行" charity event. Her two JSD elf doll were participated in the charity auctions, in total of 35000 yuan of auctions was donated.
In 2008, when Jaco was an author, she tried to transform the little girl in her oil painting into a ball jointed doll. It was not easy to do that;the most difficult part was turning the two-dimensional into the three-dimensional.
After learning from books of anatomy and studying the human body structure, and combining her own body structural features, the first ball jointed doll was born. After 3 years of redesigning and remodeling, in 2011, Jacoo's elf doll 'Jacoo Sun Doll' came out. Since then, our 'creator' has been producing a super movable doll, about 50cm in height.
While many artists use 3D modeling to make dolls, Jaco still insists on hand-carving, insizing and adjusting every detail of her doll. In 2018, the KUKUMATA ball jointed PVC doll was born.
The JACOOSUN Dolls have accompanied Jaco through a long and arduous journey. Although they are only dolls created by Jaco, they let the her understand the meaning of life. It is to use your talent that the God has given to you, and to do the greatest work in the world.
I was just an ordinary artist, doing the work that others do, and I became a craftsman. Insizing carefully each piece of my work, letting the work touch myself, becoming the one who finds emotion in my work, that is the meaning of my life.
Motto: Everything is spiritual and remarkable with a heart.
Sun Dongxu started to create the Jacoo Sun's elf doll in 2008, her original intention is to let more people in this world find their own "elf" who can be gentle with you at any time and any place. For many years, the Jacoo Sun elf doll has accompanied its creator and many of its owners to reach all corners of the world: climbing over mountains, diving into the deep sea, galloping across the desert, crossing the ice fields...nonstop. Both themselves and the dolls have left a unique mark in the process of understanding this world, follow your inner pursuit. More importantly, we want to pay tribute to those "Accompanies", to those long poems left deeply in our souls.
The name of JACOO SUN comes from the English name of the author-Sun Dongxu-JACOO SUN, the original name of the ball jointed doll ELFISHBABY was changed in 2017. The ELFISHBABY was born in Guangzhou in 2008, later it was called the boll jointed doll. The first boll jointed doll was born in 2011, after 3 years of redesign and modification, it was released in 2014. In 2016 officially entered the Japanese, European and American markets.
2017, JACOOSUN Art Creation Studio.
2018, KUKUMATA ball joint rubber doll was born.
Created brand exclusive dolls for the ISD brand of IMIS under the JSD / Aimor Group, a one-year national tour exhibition and doll journal project.
2018 JSD ❌ KFC Charity Launches Online Puppet Collaboration.Issey Miyake New Product Tour.
2018 JSD ❌ KFC charity started online doll collaboration.2018, An award presenter of the 9th Best Design Hotel Award Ceremony in Shanghai, China.2018, The online public benefit activities held by YUM & KFC, Design the image of public welfare girl.
2018, Ruili Magazine, Publish an article of the journal in the February issue.2018, Jinhui Real Estate, design the IP of Chongqing Jinhui Commercial Street.
2020, Art Tianjin - Living with "Art", Tianjin, China.
2020, Review of Chunshan Yaju | Sun Dongxu: Doll Adventures - From Art Creation to Brand Creation. Shenzheng, China.
2021, Transboundary art exhibition in the Pearl Art Gallery, Shanghai, China.
2021, guested CCTV Live Interview as online interviewing in Moscow International Doll Art Exhibition.
2021, attended Jupiter Art Center Launch Exhibition,held by Jupiter Art Gallery. Shenzheng, China.2021, video interviewed by the Liaoning daily .2021, created dolls of Su Dongpo image that are on display at the History and Culture Art Museum of Su Dongpo. Danzhou, Hainan, China.
2021, the Documentary of Liaoning Academy of Culture and Art.
2022, created Chiling, the co-branded BJD(boll jointed doll) with POP MART. JACOOSUN+skullpanda: Chiling. N-COUNT.•Cross-border
2015年 周迅OneNight敢爱前行公益晚会 两件人偶公益拍卖 杭州
2015年 与爱慕集团旗下品牌爱美丽跨界合作 爱美丽专属IP定制
2017年 出席三宅一生下午茶发布活动 作为嘉宾讲述旅行的故事 上海静安香格里拉酒店 上海
2017年 与爱美丽再度合作 品牌雕塑升级 全国
2017年 12月24日 JACOOSUN人偶诞生记分享会 中粮鸿云 成都
2017年 新浪微博认证 旅行家 旅行者镜头认证旅行家
2018年 1月 出席参加德国MIELE高端厨电下午茶活动 北京
2018年 1月 “避世时髦”第九届 国际设计酒店颁奖 颁奖嘉宾 上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店
2018年 百胜集团肯德基跨界合作线上公益活动 公益女孩形象设计
2018年 瑞丽二月刊 《在加拿大,寻找自我》旅行记刊登
2018年 金辉地产 重庆金辉商业街IP设计
2019年 与冷兔合作设计宇航员冷兔
2019年 为中国空军建军70周年设计衍生品2020年 9月25日 2020艺术天津——随“艺”生活 天津 中国
2020年11月26日 春山雅聚回顾 | 孙冬旭:从艺术创作到品牌创立 香港中文大学 深圳 2021年 1月 没有足够的距离—跨界潮流艺术展 明珠美术馆 上海
2021年 2月21日 直播,逛莫斯科国际玩偶艺术展 央视直播采访嘉宾解说
2021年 《新潮动力》——木星艺术中心启动展 木星美术馆 深圳
2021年 辽宁日报《TA是辽宁人》视频采访
2021年 苏东坡历史文化艺术馆 海南儋州海花岛 博物馆长期陈列苏东坡形象 海南儋州
2021年 辽宁省文化艺术研究院纪录片
2022年 泡泡玛特BJD联名款 JACOOSUN✖️skillpanda 赤灵 BJD限量•Participated exhibitions:
2010年 “目眩神迷:新时代动漫美学展” 广东美术馆,广州
2011年 “未来通行证:从亚洲到全球/第54届威尼斯双年展平行展” 国际巡展 (威尼斯 鹿特丹 台北 北京)
2011年 “在奇点” 环铁时代美术馆 北京
2011年 “hi小店圣诞新年派对” hi艺术小店 北京798
2012年 “回归一种 视觉的方式” 鲁迅美术学院美术馆
2013年 “上海城市艺术博览会” 上海
2013年 “杭州酒店艺术博览会” 杭州
2014年 “新加坡酒店艺术博览会” 新加坡
2014年 “动漫美学展2013-2014-夜谭” 上海当代艺术馆 上海
2017年 ‘’悦己self 创刊十周年 当代女性精神艺术展 北京
2017年 艺术北京 农业展览馆 北京
2018年 成都设计周
2018年 J Gallery 上海M50
2018年 Cricus 南京艺术学院美术馆
2019年 “和而不同” 末匠美术馆 北京798•Solo exhibitions:
2014年 “共生の界 孙东旭个人作品展” 西单老佛爷 北京
2015年 “相由心生 ODD ONE OUT ”香港
2017年 “陪伴”颐源 北京•2017年 北京首届国际潮流玩具展 北京
•2017年 “转变” 山水美术馆 北京。
•2018年 “你是我最贴心的陪伴” 中粮鸿云 FITBOX画廊 成都
Through more than ten years of continuous perception of the world, we are convinced that designing is to give a doll life or to let them carry their own future. The beginning of design is the beginning of emotion, the initial breath of everything. Therefore, we got accompany of the vitality. We must let the vitality to jump and run on each doll, as to give our life more unexpected, more exciting, more magical things.
Sun Dongxu started to create the Jacoo Sun's elf doll in 2008, her original intention is to let more people in this world find their own "elf" who can be gentle with you at any time and any place.
For many years, the Jacoo Sun elf doll has accompanied its creator and many of its owners to reach all corners of the world: climbing over mountains, diving into the deep sea, galloping across the desert, crossing the ice fields...nonstop. Both themselves and the dolls have left a unique mark in the process of understanding this world, follow your inner pursuit.
Passing hope, love, and the beauty of life through both design and persevering creation is our most sincere confession to this world, to life.
© JacooSun Studio since 2017